RelKids Preschool is registered with the Virginia Department of Social Services as a religiously exempt child day center and strives to provide the best educational experience for its students in a Christian setting.
We provide hands-on learning, dramatic play, music, movement, and creative practices that are all innovative and meaningful in a loving environment. Our teachers are all highly qualified and gifted in their field.
The goal is to take our students as far as they can go, all while engaging them and nurturing their natural curiosity.
Leslie Foster and Rachel Sterne hold BA degrees from Christopher Newport University, and are both licensed Virginia educators. They hold child abuse and neglect endorsements as well as CPR certifications. Our teachers bring a total combined elementary classroom experience of 30 years.
"We love young children and look forward to the opportunity to educate, nurture, and love your child."
Call: 804-694-9581 or 804-815-5015
*updated policies due to COVID-19
At this time, our main goal is to remain open for in-person instruction. Due to the
rise in community transmission, parents are not allowed in the classroom. So each day
we begin with meeting you and your child at the door.
Parents will be required to drop
your child off to us at the front door. We will then perform a daily health screening on
your child. If your child does not exhibit any symptoms of illness, he or she will enter the
classroom. We will wash hands and start our day with individual play. The children will
participate in morning devotions, transition to a bathroom break, and then proceed to
circle time where we will discover the learning goals for the day.
We then travel to table
time to enhance the lesson from circle. We finish our day with snack, outdoor or
movement inside, and a story. At all times, it will be our best practice to keep children
socially distanced while allowing for their emotional and social development. At
dismissal time, please return to the front door of the classroom keeping a respectful
distance from other parents.
If someone other than a parent will be picking up your
child, please provide us with a written note before dismissal that day.
Tuition rates are as follows:
T/Th- 2-day class- $1500 a year
MWF- 3-day class -$2000 a year
All tuition prices are yearly and may be paid in full or quarterly. A monthly
tuition option can be available if needed and upon request. All checks
are made out to Relevant Ministries Church and you may send them
in with your child as long as we are able to provide in-person instruction.
If we are forced to cease in-person instruction, checks will be mailed to
RelKids Preschool P.O. Box 1436 Mathews, VA 23109. You will receive
a tuition letter to sign in your open house packet.
It is our every intention to provide your child with in-person instruction. If required
to cease in-person instruction, we will then transition to virtual learning. Our website will
be available all year for you to access educational content and support. Under virtual
learning, we will provide daily videos, circle time, and activities.
If forced to cease in-person instruction, this will not close our school.
A late fee of 25% will be charged if tuition is received after the due date. All
checks are payable to Relevant Ministries Church.
An annual supply/registration fee is due with the registration form to
secure a spot for your child. This is a NONREFUNDABLE deposit. These fees are
as follows:
T/Th- 2-day class -$75
MWF- 3-day class- $100
At RelKids Preschool, teachers have been trained to do a daily health screening
to exclude sick children from school. Your child will not be allowed in school if the
following symptoms are observed:
Fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
Dry cough
Shortness of Breath
Loss of taste or smell
Sore Throat
Muscle Aches
Your child will need to be symptom free, without medication, for 72 hours before
returning to school. After completing our daily health screening, we will sanitize your
child’s hands before we enter the classroom. Once in the classroom, we will require
regular hand washing throughout the day.
Your child will be taught CDC recommended
handwashing procedures. Face coverings are not required on children under 5 years of
age and will not be used in the classroom. We will encourage children to cover coughs
and sneezes with a tissue and then proper handwashing. Teachers will be wearing
masks at drop off and pickup times, designated bathroom times, snack time, and other
times at our discretion when close contact is necessary.
All parents/guardians are required to read and sign the COVID-19 PUBLIC
AND DISCLOUSRE FORM. This will make you aware of the risks associated in sending
your child to school and release RelKids Preschool and Relevant Church of any
responsibility should your child contract COVID-19.
Parents and guardians are
responsible for notifying RelKids Preschool immediately if any household member has
come in contact with or exhibits symptoms of COVID-19. If the child or any member of
the household is positive, a 14-day quarantine will go in effect. We are discouraging
travel during the school year as our goal is to remain open for in-person instruction. If
your child travels, a quarantine of 5 to 7 days will be required as well as a negative
COVID test to return to school.
RelKids Preschool has a No Nit Policy in place. This is a healthy standard for the
school and our children. This policy minimizes head lice infestations and keeps our
school lice and nit free. The No Nit Policy encourages each family to do its part at
home with routine screening, early detection, accurate identification, and thorough
removal of lice and nits. If nits or lice are found, you will be asked to come pick up your
child immediately, and he or she may not return to school until nit free. Your child will
be screened upon return for nits as part of our daily health screening.
A staff member of RelKids Preschool will attempt to notify you by the method listed on the registration form if school will be delayed or closed. We are unable to control the weather and safety is our top priority.
RelKids Preschool will follow the Mathews County Public Schools for all school closings regarding inclement weather. We have built in days in our school calendar to allow for the possibility of school closings due to weather.
Each day your child will need a snack and drink in a lunchbox. For example, your
child can bring an apple and a water bottle in their lunchbox. *For the 21-22 school year,
there is an approved snack list as we will be a peanut/nut free classroom.
Due to COVID-19, we will not be having classroom parties with outside food and
parental involvement. Birthdays can be celebrated with snacks from the approved snack
We use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. Carol McCloud’s Have You Filled a Bucket Today is a wonderful book and resource for you as it is what we use in the classroom to begin building bucket filling behaviors in our children.
They receive a drop in their bucket when caught behaving well and following directions. After they fill their bucket they get to choose a prize from a prize box. You will be notified when your child fills his or her bucket.
RelKids Preschool reserves the right to terminate enrollment of a student for any reason and must give parents/guardians two weeks’ notice of scheduled termination of services. If you wish to appeal your child’s termination of enrollment, submit a written letter for review within 24 hours of notice to the Relevant Ministries Church Board, Chairperson.
RelKids Preschool requires two weeks’ notice from parents/guardians when un-enrolling a student. Parents/Guardians are responsible for payment of services during those two weeks of the termination period.
Code 63.2-1716
RelKids Preschool, under the Virginia Department of Social Services, and as a religiously exempt cite, is required to report any injuries or death to a child to the Commissioner.
You need the following to complete the enrollment process:
*Please understand that as the COVID-19 emergency changes, our polices may need to change to reflect the current regulations. All policies listed above are subject to change. If change is needed, an update will be made to our COVID-19 GUIDE which can be found in the link below.
Call: 804-694-9581 or 804-815-5015